Results for 'Michael Bert Kruse'

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  1.  30
    Heidegger, Education, and Modernity.Michael A. Peters, Valerie Allen, Ares D. Axiotis, Michael Bonnett, David E. Cooper, Patrick Fitzsimons, Ilan Gur-Ze'ev, Padraig Hogan, F. Ruth Irwin, Bert Lambeir, Paul Smeyers, Paul Standish & Iain Thomson - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Martin Heidegger is, perhaps, the most controversial philosopher of the twentieth-century. Little has been written on him or about his work and its significance for educational thought. This unique collection by a group of international scholars reexamines Heidegger's work and its legacy for educational thought.
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    Gestalt theory and synergetics: From psychophysical isomorphism to holistic emergentism.Michael Stadler & Peter Kruse - 1994 - Philosophical Psychology 7 (2):211-226.
    Gestalt theory is discussed as one main precursor of synergetics, one of the most elaborated theories of self-organization. It is a precursor for two reasons: the Gestalt theoretical view of cognitive order-formation comes dose to the central ideas of self-organization. Furthermore both approaches have stressed the significance of non-linear perceptual processes (such as multistability) for the solution of the mind-brain problem. The question of whether Gestalt theory preferred a dualistic or a monistic view of the mind-body relation is answered in (...)
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    Variation and the accuracy of predictions.Michael Kruse - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (2):181-193.
    I present a justification for the intution that more-varied data are more valuable than the same number of less-varied data by showing that the more-varied data help to improve the accuracy of our predictions.
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    Invariance, symmetry and rationality.Michael Kruse - 2000 - Synthese 122 (3):337-357.
    Using recent work by Forster and Sober, I identify circumstances in which appeals to symmetries in physical laws are rational with respect to the aim of predictive accuracy. I then consider a Bayesian account of symmetry, and argue that such an account faces serious problems explaining when and why appeals to symmetry would be rational.
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    Principles of inference and their consequences.Deborah G. Mayo & Michael Kruse - 2001 - In David Corfield & Jon Williamson (eds.), Foundations of Bayesianism. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 381--403.
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    Informierte Einwilligung in der Demenzforschung. Eine qualitative Studie zum Informationsverständnis von Probanden.Holger Schütz, Bert Heinrichs, Michael Fuchs & Andreas Bauer - 2016 - Ethik in der Medizin 28 (2):91-106.
    Background: Informed consent is a legal as well as ethical prerequisite in clinical research. For dementia research, informed consent can be a problem if subjects with dementia, whose capacity for understanding and thus also decision making might be limited, are to be exam- ined. This might result in exclusion of dementia patients from research, as capacity for understanding and decision making are often equated with the ability for rational decision making. However, this valuation has been criticized at times for attaching (...)
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    Setting standards for empirical bioethics research: a response to Carter and Cribb.Michael Dunn, Jonathan Ives, Bert Molewijk & Jan Schildmann - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):66.
    This paper responds to the commentaries from Stacy Carter and Alan Cribb. We pick up on two main themes in our response. First, we reflect on how the process of setting standards for empirical bioethics research entails drawing boundaries around what research counts as empirical bioethics research, and we discuss whether the standards agreed in the consensus process draw these boundaries correctly. Second, we expand on the discussion in the original paper of the role and significance of the concept of (...)
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  8.  21
    L'Africa di fronte ad un bivio. Da suddito a cittadino.Ajume H. Wingo & Michael Kruse - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (2):385-398.
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    Standards of practice in empirical bioethics research: towards a consensus.Jonathan Ives, Michael Dunn, Bert Molewijk, Jan Schildmann, Kristine Bærøe, Lucy Frith, Richard Huxtable, Elleke Landeweer, Marcel Mertz, Veerle Provoost, Annette Rid, Sabine Salloch, Mark Sheehan, Daniel Strech, Martine de Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):68.
    This paper responds to the commentaries from Stacy Carter and Alan Cribb. We pick up on two main themes in our response. First, we reflect on how the process of setting standards for empirical bioethics research entails drawing boundaries around what research counts as empirical bioethics research, and we discuss whether the standards agreed in the consensus process draw these boundaries correctly. Second, we expand on the discussion in the original paper of the role and significance of the concept of (...)
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  10.  65
    Beyond bayesianism: Comments on Hellman's "bayes and beyond".Michael Kruse - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (1):165-174.
    Against Hellman's (1997) recent claims, I argue that Bayesianism is unable to explain the value of generally successful aspects of scientific methodology, viz., deflecting blame from well-confirmed theories onto auxiliaries and preferring more-varied data. Such an explanation would require not just objectification of priors, but a reason to believe priors will generally fall on values that justify the practice. Given the track record on the objectification problem, adding further conditions on priors merely makes the Bayesian's problems even worse.
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    Naive beliefs in “sophisticated” subjects: misconceptions about trajectories of objects.Alfonso Caramazza, Michael McCloskey & Bert Green - 1981 - Cognition 9 (2):117-123.
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  12.  19
    Review of: Robert E. Buswell, The Zen Monastic Experience: Buddhist Practice in Contemporary Korea. [REVIEW]Michael Kruse - 1996 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 23 (1-2):192-196.
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    Taking the Measure of Law: The Case of the Doing Business Project.Kevin Davis & Michael B. Kruse - 2007 - Law and Social Inquiry 32 (4).
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    Behavioral and Neuroimaging Research on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): A Combined Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Recent Findings.Emily Subara-Zukic, Michael H. Cole, Thomas B. McGuckian, Bert Steenbergen, Dido Green, Bouwien C. M. Smits-Engelsman, Jessica M. Lust, Reza Abdollahipour, Erik Domellöf, Frederik J. A. Deconinck, Rainer Blank & Peter H. Wilson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    AimThe neurocognitive basis of Developmental Coordination Disorder remains an issue of continued debate. This combined systematic review and meta-analysis provides a synthesis of recent experimental studies on the motor control, cognitive, and neural underpinnings of DCD.MethodsThe review included all published work conducted since September 2016 and up to April 2021. One-hundred papers with a DCD-Control comparison were included, with 1,374 effect sizes entered into a multi-level meta-analysis.ResultsThe most profound deficits were shown in: voluntary gaze control during movement; cognitive-motor integration; practice-/context-dependent (...)
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  15. Der „kontrollierte individuelle Heilversuch“ als neues Instrument bei der klinischen Erstanwendung risikoreicher Therapieformen – Ethische Analyse einer somatischen Gentherapie für das Wiskott-Aldrich-Syndrom.Thomas Heinemann, Bert Heinrichs, Christoph Klein, Michael Fuchs & Dietmar Hübner - 2006 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 11 (1):153-199.
    Das Wiskott-Aldrich-Syndrom (WAS), ein genetisch bedingter Immundefekt mit klinischer Manifestation im Kleinkindalter, wird voraussichtlich in näherer Zukunft erstmals versuchsweise durch eine somatische Gentherapie behandelt werden. Im vor- liegenden Beitrag werden die wichtigsten medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakten dieses Krankheitsbildes sowie die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit somatischen Gentherapien bei anderen Immunmangelsyndromen ausführlich dargestellt. Sodann erfolgt eine ethische Analyse eines möglichen gentherapeutischen Eingriffs bei WAS-Patienten, bei der die spezifischen Aspekte des Wiskott-Aldrich-Syndroms – insbesondere die fast ausschließliche Betroffenheit von Kindern sowie die unterschiedlich aussichtsreiche Alter- nativoption einer (...)
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  16.  16
    The principles and practices of educational neuroscience: Comment on Bowers (2016).Paul A. Howard-Jones, Sashank Varma, Daniel Ansari, Brian Butterworth, Bert De Smedt, Usha Goswami, Diana Laurillard & Michael S. C. Thomas - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (5):620-627.
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    How do environmental factors influence life cycles and development? An experimental framework for early‐diverging metazoans.Thomas C. G. Bosch, Maja Adamska, René Augustin, Tomislav Domazet-Loso, Sylvain Foret, Sebastian Fraune, Noriko Funayama, Juris Grasis, Mayuko Hamada, Masayuki Hatta, Bert Hobmayer, Kotoe Kawai, Alexander Klimovich, Michael Manuel, Chuya Shinzato, Uli Technau, Seungshic Yum & David J. Miller - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (12):1185-1194.
    Ecological developmental biology (eco‐devo) explores the mechanistic relationships between the processes of individual development and environmental factors. Recent studies imply that some of these relationships have deep evolutionary origins, and may even pre‐date the divergences of the simplest extant animals, including cnidarians and sponges. Development of these early diverging metazoans is often sensitive to environmental factors, and these interactions occur in the context of conserved signaling pathways and mechanisms of tissue homeostasis whose detailed molecular logic remain elusive. Efficient methods for (...)
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  18.  7
    J.M.R. Lenz unter dem Einfluss des frühkritischen Kant: ein Beitrag zur Neubestimmung des Sturm und Drang.Bert Kasties - 2003 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die traditionsreiche Reihe QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE, deren Ursprung auf das Jahr 1874 zur ckgeht, geh rt zum festen Bestand renommierter Publikationsforen der Deutschen Literaturwissenschaft. Von Ernst Osterkamp und Werner R cke an der Humboldt-Universit t zu Berlin herausgegeben, pr sentieren die QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN hochwertige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die literarische Texte im Zusammenhang mit kulturhistorischen Ph nomenen, besonders auch mit den anderen K nsten, untersuchen. Philologische Studien mit transdisziplin rem Ansatz sind ausdr cklich erw nscht. Der Schwerpunkt (...)
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  19.  43
    Rowing Toward Success: A Fifteenth-Century Venetian Oarsman's Commonplace BookPamela O. Long; David McGee; Alan M. Stahl . The Book of Michael of Rhodes: A Fifteenth-Century Maritime Manuscript. Volume 1: Facsimile. Edited by David McGee. xiv + 518 pp. Volume 2: Transcription and Translation. Edited and translated by Alan M. Stahl. Transcribed by Franco Rossi. lii + 679 pp., app., indexes. Volume 3: Studies. Edited by Pamela O. Long. xiii + 370 pp., illus., bibl., indexes. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2009. $185. [REVIEW]Bert S. Hall - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):151-154.
  20.  44
    A logic for the discovery of deterministic causal regularities.Frederik Putte, Bert Leuridan & Mathieu Beirlaen - 2018 - Synthese 195 (1):367-399.
    We present a logic, $$\mathbf {ELI^r}$$ ELI r, for the discovery of deterministic causal regularities starting from empirical data. Our approach is inspired by Mackie’s theory of causes as INUS-conditions, and implements a more recent adjustment to Mackie’s theory according to which the left-hand side of causal regularities is required to be a minimal disjunction of minimal conjunctions. To derive such regularities from a given set of data, we make use of the adaptive logics framework. Our knowledge of deterministic causal (...)
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  21.  86
    A logic for the discovery of deterministic causal regularities.Mathieu Beirlaen, Bert Leuridan & Frederik Van De Putte - 2018 - Synthese 195 (1):367-399.
    We present a logic, \, for the discovery of deterministic causal regularities starting from empirical data. Our approach is inspired by Mackie’s theory of causes as INUS-conditions, and implements a more recent adjustment to Mackie’s theory according to which the left-hand side of causal regularities is required to be a minimal disjunction of minimal conjunctions. To derive such regularities from a given set of data, we make use of the adaptive logics framework. Our knowledge of deterministic causal regularities is, as (...)
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  22.  29
    Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age.Michael Warner, Jonathan VanAntwerpen & Craig J. Calhoun - 2010 - Harvard University Press.
    “What does it mean to say that we live in a secular age?” This apparently simple question opens into the massive, provocative, and complex A Secular Age, where Charles Taylor positions secularism as a defining feature of the modern world, not the mere absence of religion, and casts light on the experience of transcendence that scientistic explanations of the world tend to neglect. -/- In Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age, a prominent and varied group of scholars chart the (...)
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    What is it to Wrong Someone? A Puzzle about Justice.Michael Thompson - 2004 - In R. Jay Wallace, Philip Pettit, Samuel Scheffler & Michael Smith (eds.), Reason and Value: Themes From the Moral Philosophy of Joseph Raz. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 333-384.
    This will be the best way of explaining ‘Paris is the lover of Helen’, that is, ‘Paris loves, and by that very fact [et eo ipso] Helen is loved’. Here, therefore, two propositions have been brought together and abbreviated as one. Or, ‘Paris is a lover, and by that very fact Helen is a loved one’.
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    Judaeo-Christian faith as trust and loyalty.Michael Pace & Daniel J. Mckaughan - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (1):30-60.
    Disputes over the nature of faith, as understood in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, sometimes focus on whether it is to be identified exclusively with trust in God or with loyalty/fidelity to God. Drawing on recent work on the semantic range of the Hebrew ʾĕmûnâ and Greek pistis lexicons, we argue for a multidimensional account of what it is to be a person of faith that includes trust and loyalty in combination. The Trust-Loyalty account, we maintain, makes better sense of the faith (...)
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  25.  50
    Euthanasia in Belgium: Shortcomings of the Law and Its Application and of the Monitoring of Practice.Kasper Raus, Bert Vanderhaegen & Sigrid Sterckx - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (1):80-107.
    In 2002 with the passing of the Euthanasia Law, Belgium became one of the few countries worldwide to legalize euthanasia. In the 18 years since the passing of the law, much has changed. We argue that in Belgium a widening of the use of euthanasia is occurring and that this can be ethically and legally problematic. This is in part related to the fact that several legal requirements intended to operate as safeguards and procedural guarantees in reality often fail to (...)
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  26.  40
    Reflection 6593: Kant’s Rousseau and the Vocation of the Human Being.Michael Kryluk - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (4):728-758.
    In this essay, I examine Kant’s interpretation of Rousseau through the lens of Reflection 6593. This Reflection deserves scrutiny because it serves as a bridge between Kant’s well-known engagement with Rousseau in the mid-1760s and his later discussions of the vocation of the human being in the lectures on ethics and anthropology. Through a close reading of R 6593, I argue that the Reflection offers the earliest evidence of Kant’s philosophy of history and its integration into his treatment of the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Massive Redeployment Hypothesis and the Functional Topography of the Brain.Michael L. Anderson - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):143-174.
    This essay introduces the massive redeployment hypothesis, an account of the functional organization of the brain that centrally features the fact that brain areas are typically employed to support numerous functions. The central contribution of the essay is to outline a middle course between strict localization on the one hand, and holism on the other, in such a way as to account for the supporting data on both sides of the argument. The massive redeployment hypothesis is supported by case studies (...)
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  28.  17
    Language and Process: Words, Whitehead and the World.Michael Halewood - 2020 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Michael Halewood uses ideas from analytic philosophy, continental philosophy and social theory to look at how language relates to the world, and the world to language. He primarily draws on the work of Alfred North Whitehead, and incorporating the ideas of Gilles Deleuze, John Dewey and Luce Irigaray, to view the world as 'in process'.
  29.  26
    Postdigital-biodigital: An emerging configuration.Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić & Sarah Hayes - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (1):1-14.
    This dialogue (trilogue) is an attempt to critically discuss the technoscientific convergence that is taking place with biodigital technologies in the postdigital condition. In this discussion, Sarah Hayes, Petar Jandrić and Michael A. Peters examine the nature of the convergences, their applications for bioeconomic sustainability and associated ecopedagogies. The dialogue paper raises issues of definition and places the technological convergence (‘nano-bio-info-cogno’) – of new systems biology and digital technologies at the nano level – in an evolutionary context to speculate, (...)
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  30.  55
    Hegel's concept of action.Michael Quante - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Michael Quante focuses on what Hegel has to say about such central concepts as action, person and will, and then brings these views to bear on contemporary debates in analytic philosophy. This book enables professional analytic philosophers and their students to understand the significance of Hegel's philosophy to contemporary theory of action. As such, it will contribute to the ever-increasing erosion of the barrier between the continental and analytic approaches to philosophy.
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    Fun and (striving) games: playfulness and agential fluidity.Michael Ridge - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 (3):403-413.
    Games: Agency as Art is wonderful, and in my opinion the most important book in the philosophy of games since Bernard Suits’ The Grasshopper. In effect, Nguyen takes Suits’ idea of ‘reverse English...
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    What is it like to be a chimpanzee?Michael Tomasello - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-24.
    Chimpanzees and humans are close evolutionary relatives who behave in many of the same ways based on a similar type of agentive organization. To what degree do they experience the world in similar ways as well? Using contemporary research in evolutionarily biology and animal cognition, I explicitly compare the kinds of experience the two species of capable of having. I conclude that chimpanzees’ experience of the world, their experiential niche as I call it, is: intentional in basically the same way (...)
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  33.  38
    A map of technopolitics: Deep convergence, platform ontologies, and cognitive efficiency.Michael A. Peters - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 158 (1):117-140.
    This paper, based on an invited Thesis Eleven presentation, provides a ‘map of technopolitics’ that springs from an investigation of the theoretical notion of technological convergence adopted by the US National Science Foundation, signaling a new paradigm of ‘nano-bio-info-cogno’ technologies. This integration at the nano-level is expected to drive the next wave of scientific research, technology and knowledge economy. The paper explores the concept of ‘technopolitics’ by investigating the links between Wittgenstein’s anti-scientism and Lyotard’s ‘technoscience’, reviewing the history of the (...)
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  34.  12
    Rethinking "Gnosticism": An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category.Michael Allen Williams - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Most anyone interested in such topics as creation mythology, Jungian theory, or the idea of "secret teachings" in ancient Judaism and Christianity has found "gnosticism" compelling. Yet the term "gnosticism," which often connotes a single rebellious movement against the prevailing religions of late antiquity, gives the false impression of a monolithic religious phenomenon. Here Michael Williams challenges the validity of the widely invoked category of ancient "gnosticism" and the ways it has been described. Presenting such famous writings and movements (...)
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  35.  42
    Morality and Global Justice: Justifications and Applications.Michael Boylan - 2011 - Westview Press.
    Written by well-known professor and author Michael Boylan, Morality and Global Justice is an accessible examination of the moral and normative underpinnings of ...
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    TUpper: A top level ontology within standards1.Michael Grüninger, Yi Ru & Jona Thai - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (1):143-165.
    Upper ontologies have traditionally arisen from the approach in which concepts that are common across a set of domains can be axiomatized at a general level. The rationale is that reuse across domains is to be supported through specialization of the general concepts from an upper ontology. Similarly, semantic integration between ontologies is to be achieved through the general concepts they specialize. The TUpper Ontology follows an alternative approach (referred to as the sideways approach) to the conventional upper ontology paradigm. (...)
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  37.  11
    Introducción: “La teoría darwiniana de la evolución”.Michael Ruse - 2024 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 13 (2):17-31.
    Introducción de Michael Ruse: “La teoría darwiniana de la evolución".
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    Canonical formulas for k4. part III: The finite model property.Michael Zakharyaschev - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (3):950-975.
    Related Works: Part I: Michael Zakharyaschev. Canonical Formulas for $K4$. Part I: Basic Results. J. Symbolic Logic, Volume 57, Issue 4 , 1377--1402. Project Euclid: euclid.jsl/1183744119 Part II: Michael Zakharyaschev. Canonical Formulas for K4. Part II: Cofinal Subframe Logics. J. Symbolic Logic, Volume 61, Issue 2 , 421--449. Project Euclid: euclid.jsl/1183745008.
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    Ephemeroi - Human Vulnerability, Transhumanism, and the Meaning of Life.Michael Hauskeller - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (2):9-21.
    This essay is a reflection on our lived experience of being human, or of some prominent aspects of being human, in light of rising demands to use already existing and soon to be developed technologies to fundamentally change what we are. The aspects the essay focuses on are, first, our existential vulnerability and, second, our desire to live a life that, in some way or another, matters and is in that sense meaningful.
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    Education and essential contestability revisited.Michael Naish - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 18 (2):141–153.
    Michael Naish; Education and Essential Contestability Revisited, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 18, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 141–153, https://doi.
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    On the Epoché in Phenomenological Psychology: A Schutzian Response to Zahavi.Michael D. Barber - 2021 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 52 (2):137-156.
    Dan Zahavi has questioned whether the use of a transcendental phenomenological epoché is essential for phenomenological psychology. He criticizes the views of Amedeo Giorgi by asserting that Husserl did not view the transcendental reduction as needed for an entrance into phenomenological psychology and that, if one thinks so, phenomenological psychology would be in danger of being absorbed within transcendental phenomenology. Thirdly, rather than envisioning transcendental phenomenology as a purification for phenomenological psychology, Zahavi recommends a dialogue between transcendental phenomenologists and psychologists. (...)
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    Post-structuralism.Michael Kelly - unknown
    Michael Kelly is the author of 68 entries altogether. The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French is far more than a simple revision of the original Oxford Companion to French Literature, published in 1959, and described by The Listener as the `standard work of reference for English-speaking enquirers into French literature'. As the change in title implies, this completely new work presents an authoritative guide not only to ten centuries of literature produced in the territory now called France, (...)
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  43. The concept of socialrace.Michael O. Hardimon - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (1):69-90.
    Explication of the concept of socialrace: the concept variously refers to (1) a social group that is taken to be a racialist race, (2) the social position occupied by a particular social group that is a socialrace and (3) the system of social positions that are socialraces. Socialrace is distinguished from other more familiar forms of social construction. The sense in which socialrace counts as a race concept is explained. The advantages of the term ‘socialrace’ are discussed. The desiderata for (...)
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    Roots in the Air: A Philosophical Autobiography of a Philosopher, Artist, and Musician.Michael Krausz - 2018 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    By way of dialogues, Michael Krausz offers philosophical reflections about his life as a philosopher, artist, and musician. After providing biographical accounts of his years of experience in these areas, he rehearses his views about relativism, interpretation, creativity, and self-realization.
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    Representing and meaning in history and in classrooms: Developing symbols and conceptual organizations of free-fall motion.Michael J. Ford - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (1):1-25.
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    Fusion, Comparative, "Constructive Engagement Comparative," Or What? Third Thoughts on Levine's Critique of Siderits.Michael Nylan & Martin Verhoeven - 2016 - Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1):119-127.
    We have been invited to contribute a short assessment of Levine's response to Siderits’ position in the emerging debate between "fusion philosophy" and "comparative philosophy." Perhaps a brief word is in order regarding our backgrounds: Michael Nylan is a student of early China, with strong inter-disciplinary training and interests, who has attempted work in both philosophy and translation. Martin Verhoeven is a historian by training, a translator by avocation, and a Buddhist practitioner. Both of us have committed ourselves for (...)
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  47.  22
    The Ethics of Exponential Life Extension through Brain Preservation.Michael A. Cerullo - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (1):94-105.
    Chemical brain preservation allows the brain to be preserved for millennia. In the coming decades; the information in a chemically preserved brain may be able to be decoded and emulated in a computer. I first examine the history of brain preservation and recent advances that indicate this may soon be a real possibility. I then argue that chemical brain preservation should be viewed as a life-saving medical procedure. Any technology that significantly extends the human life span faces many potential criticisms. (...)
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    Medicine at the crossroads: a collection of stories and conversations to forge a vision for health care.Michael Attas - 2018 - Houston: Stellar Communications Houston.
    Medicine at the Crossroads is a collection of essays based a column originally published in the Waco-Tribune Herald by renowned cardiologist Dr. Michael Attas of Baylor University. It touches on three perspectives - the physician, the patient, and the healthcare system - and addresses some of the most pressing questions in medicine today.
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  49. Martin Griver unearthed [Book Review].Michael E. Daniel - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (2):247.
    Daniel, Michael E Review of: Martin Griver unearthed, by Odhran O'Brien, Strathfield, NSW: St Pauls, 2014, pp. 261, hardback, $39.95; paperback, $35.95.
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    Biblical ethics and application: purview, validity, and relevance of biblical texts in ethical discourse.Ruben Zimmermann & Stephan Joubert (eds.) - 2017 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    The authors of this volume discuss the relevance and influence of various Old and New Testament documents, and early Christian and Jewish texts in terms of their impact in shaping the moral character, identity, and behaviour of the specific communities in which they were produced as well as their ethical application throughout the centuries. Against a narrow understanding of ethics, the term "application" is not used to analyse the texts of the Bible as step-by-step manuals for moral conduct. Rather, the (...)
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